Начало работы с GatsbyJS


gatsby new gatsby-site https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby-starter-hello-world

cd gatsby-site

gatsby develop

Create a production build

gatsby build

gatsby serve

To see detailed documentation for the CLI commands, run gatsby --help in the terminal.

For specific commands, run gatsby COMMAND_NAME --help e.g. gatsby new --help.

|-- /.cache
|-- /plugins
|-- /public
|-- /src
    |-- /pages
    |-- /templates
    |-- html.js
|-- /static
|-- gatsby-config.js
|-- gatsby-node.js
|-- gatsby-ssr.js
|-- gatsby-browser.js

  • gatsby-config.js — configure options for a Gatsby site, with metadata for project title, description, plugins, etc.

  • gatsby-node.js — implement Gatsby’s Node.js APIs to customize and extend default settings affecting the build process

  • gatsby-browser.js — customize and extend default settings affecting the browser, using Gatsby’s browser APIs

  • gatsby-ssr.js — use Gatsby’s server-side rendering APIs to customize default settings affecting server-side rendering

Last updated