Подключаем Wordpress к GatsbyJS

  • Установить плагины предварительно в Wordpress


This plugin turns your WordPress instance into a GraphQL server.


This plugin modifies the WPGraphQL schema in Gatsby-specific ways and also keeps a record of when user actions happened. This allows us to do selective cache invalidation in Gatsby (to speed up builds) and add Preview support.

  • Install the gatsby-source-wordpress-experimental plugin.

npm install gatsby-source-wordpress-experimental
  • Configuring the plugin

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-source-wordpress-experimental`,
      options: {
        // allows a fallback url if WPGRAPHQL_URL is not set in the env, this may be a local or remote WP instance.
          process.env.WPGRAPHQL_URL ||
        schema: {
          //Prefixes all WP Types with "Wp" so "Post and allPost" become "WpPost and allWpPost".
          typePrefix: `Wp`,
        develop: {
          //caches media files outside of Gatsby's default cache an thus allows them to persist through a cache reset.
          hardCacheMediaFiles: true,
        type: {
          Post: {
              process.env.NODE_ENV === `development`
                ? // Lets just pull 50 posts in development to make it easy on ourselves (aka. faster).
                : // and we don't actually need more than 5000 in production for this particular site
  • Create gatsby-node.js

  • Add code to gatsby-node.js

const path = require(`path`)
const { slash } = require(`gatsby-core-utils`)

exports.createPages = async ({ graphql, actions }) => {
  const { createPage } = actions

  // query content for WordPress posts
  const {
    data: {
      allWpPost: { nodes: allPosts },
  } = await graphql(`
    query {
      allWpPost {
        nodes {

  const postTemplate = path.resolve(`./src/templates/post.js`)

  allPosts.forEach(post => {
      // will be the url for the page
      path: post.uri,
      // specify the component template of your choice
      component: slash(postTemplate),
      // In the ^template's GraphQL query, 'id' will be available
      // as a GraphQL variable to query for this post's data.
      context: {
        id: post.id,

It queries your local WordPress GraphQL schema for all Posts, iterates through each Post node and constructs a static page for each, based on the defined template.

Last updated