Phrasal verb "Go"

GO AWAY = уходить

  • leave

I made the neighbor kids go away by yelling at them.

Go away from my house!

Go away and leave me alone! (Test) ================================================== GO AROUND = обходить

  • avoid contact, circumvent

We can't go in the back door we got to go around to the front.

How many times are you going to go around this?

Michael, you go around the other side. (Test)

=============================================== GO BACK = вернуться

  • return

When are you going back to school?

You can go back to your mom tomorrow.

I've gone so far beyond her, and I can never go back again. (Test)

=============================================== GO BACK ON = обманывать; подводить

  • not keep a promise or one's word

It's hard doing business with them. They always go back on their promises.

I'm sorry to go back on my word. (Test)

She's gone back on her word and decided not to give me the job after all. (Test)

=============================================== GO DOWN = спускаться, снижаться, опускаться, падать, сходить, уменьшаться, садиться, затонуть

  • decrease or reduce

The cost of gasoline is going down. (Test)

Bears make money when prices go down.

We went to the store when prices started to go down.

=============================================== GO IN FOR = заниматься, интересоваться, увлекаться, добиваться, ставить себе целью, выступать в пользу

  • take part in or participate

Are you going in for basketball this year after school?

I go in for sports (Test)

=============================================== GO INTO = входить, приходить, вступать, впадать, часто бывать, часто посещать, тщательно рассматривать, расследовать

  • discuss in detail or at length

She didn't go into the reasons for the move.

I will not go into details. (Test)

=============================================== GO ON WITH = продолжать что-то делать

  • continue as planned

I think we should go on with the lesson after the break. (Test)

He said he wanted to go on with the experiment. =============================================== GO THROUGH WITH =

  • proceed despite difficulties

I have decided to go through with the move to Berlin. (Test)

I want to marry you so badly I can't go through with it.

=============================================== GO WITHOUT = воздерживаться, не принимать участие, обходиться без чего не особо нужного.

  • abstain from; not use or need

A human can go without water for a few days.

I can't go without my walk, I feel better after it.

Tommy, where are you going without a hat? (Test)



GO WITH = сочетаться, совпадать. Часто про одежду.

A. match or suit

B. accompany someone

C. have as boyfriend or girlfriend A. That blouse doesn't go with that skirt. B. I am going with Jill to school. C. Sarah is going with John. They make a cute couple.

GO THROUGH = разового глагола аналогично предыдущему, то есть «пересматривать, проверять», второе значение – испытывать, убеждаться на опыте.

A. examine, study carefully

B. endure; experience difficulties A. I need to have my lawyer go through this contract before I sign it. B. I would never want to go through what she has.

GO OUT = встречаться с кем-то

A. fire stops burning

B. social activities; a date A. The fire went out because we ran out of fuel for it. B. They love to go out on weekends to the movies. GO OVER = пересматривать, проверять, рецензировать

A. review

B. succeed; be received well A. Do you usually go over the tests in class? B. The comedian's joke didn't go over well with that crowd last night.

GO FOR = идти за, направляться, стремиться к, быть принятым за, иметь цену, стоить цену, набрасываться на, обрушиваться на, кое-что стоить

A. try to achieve

B. enjoy having, crave (idiomatically: hit the spot) A. She is going for the gold medal at the national championships. B. It's so hot out. I could really go for an ice cold glass of lemonade.

I'm going for to improve my language.

She is going for a walk with me. (Test)

GO OFF = уходить, сходить, выстрелить, уезжать, сбежать, засыпать, проходить, раздаться

A. explode

B. begin, start (with alarms or signals)

C. become angry quickly

D. stop (of a machine) A. The bomb could go off at any moment. B. The air raid signal went off and scared everyone in the room. C. He went off in a flash when he heard the news. I've never seen him so upset. D. The generator went off and we can't get it started again. GO ON = продолжать, продолжаться, длиться, происходить, твориться, случаться

A. continue

B. happen A. Do go on! I could listen to you sing all day. B. What's been going on here this morning? This place looks like a pig pen.

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